~ 12X24 Home Garage Package With Wood Panel Siding ** Roofline - 5/12 Ranch Gable** ~ Building Color - French Roast (SW 6069) ~ Trim Color - *FASCIA, CORNER, WINDOW & DOOR TRIM* - Super White (SW 6995) ~ Steel Roof - Cocoa Brown LC
*DOORS & DOOR ACCESSORIES* ~ 1. 36" Prehung Door (6-Panel) Left INSWING (Paintable) 4 Everframe ~ *Door Paint - GD Brown Door Paint (DTM)*
*GARAGE DOORS & GARAGE DOOR ACCESSORIES* ~ 1. Garage Door 8x7 Brown ~ 1. 4ft IMR Adjustable Pressure Treated Wooden Ramp For Garage Door (2 - 2ft X 6ft Sections)
Whether you have a question about our product or are curious about a specific shingle, paint, or siding color, we're here to help. Simply give us a call at 888.832.6889, send us an email, or fill out our form—whichever is most convenient for you.